
Alcon Labs

  • Application : Walkways
  • Products : Fibergrate molded grating

Overview :

Alcon Labs is a pharmaceutical facility in Fort Worth, Texas. Alcon labs has built its position as the worldwide leader in pharmaceuticals for the eye by continuing to advance the treatments for diseases such as glaucoma, infection and allergy, while also expanding focus into relatively unknown areas such as, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and other sight-threatening diseases.

Overview :

Due to the highly corrosive chemical environment of the facility, Alcon Labs needed a product that would both fight the effects of corrosion and improve the safety conditions of their facility.

Solution :

Alcon Labs selected Fibergrate® molded grating to fight the effects of corrosion and improve safety conditions. Flooring for rooms holding tanks of chemicals was the perfect place for Fibergrate to demonstrate its long life capability and slip-resistant properties. The pure blend of resin and continuous strand fiberglass results in a corrosion-resistant panel that provides years of use, without being deteriorated by the hostile chemical environment.

The slip-resistant surface of Fibergrate gives plant workers safe, sure surfaces on which to walk, despite slippery conditions resulting from grease, chemicals, oil or water. Fibergrate, when properly supported, has the structural characteristics of steel without its heavy weight. The outstanding corrosion resistance of molded grating offers a life span far beyond that of steel, even under harsh conditions.