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949 Supplies Co., Ltd.
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Stonhard offers high performance seamless epoxy and polyurethane floor and wall coating for demanding areas with high traffic that needs protection from Chemical impact, and temperatures. Stonhard and its local exclusive affiliates offer single source warranty that covers design, installation ,materials and workmanship.

Fibergrate is a manufacturer of various fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) products such as gratings, slip resistance plates, stair solutions, and structures. FRP’s products key benefits include corrosion resistance, slip resistance, impact resistance, light weight, long life cycle and low maintenance comparing to metal gratings and structures.

Frequently Asked Questions
Stonhard offers various floor system for industrial application such as epoxy self-leveling, troweled epoxy mortar, PU cement leveling, and troweled PU mortar. What sets us apart from other floor suppliers is the flooring solutions that not only fit with customer’s needs but also low maintenance and focus on the long term benefits.
Because installation is as important as the quality of the product, 949 Supplies’ installation crews are well trained to evaluate the substrate and deal with flooring problems properly. Materials are mixed and installed according to the procedures from the manufacturers. Our installation crews are skilled labor and are employed as full time employee of the company. So our customers can be sure we have full control of our installation to always maintain high standards.
Stonhard also has various complementary products to deal with most floor substrate problems before the epoxy and PU floor overlayment to prevent problems that may happen from poor substrate.
The flooring system you require depends on the environment you are dealing with and the performance features you desire. 949 Supplies, an exclusive affiliate of Stonhard, are specially trained to evaluate your specific needs, covering all aspects of cost-effectiveness, durability, safety standards and overall performance. We would recommend the right Stonhard solution for your flooring needs.
Both PU and epoxy floors help to improve facility’s cleanability and aestheticity. Epoxy and PU floors are made up from different chemicals. So they resist to different chemicals and different range of thermal shock. Epoxy and PU floor also differ in flexibility and hardness.
Besides the chemistry that give the floors different properties, the difference in the installation method also give the floor different physical properties and different maintenance.
70 per cent of the floor problems are caused by poor installation, poor evaluation of substrate and skip fixing the problem on the substrate properly before the overlayment. Examples of problems are excessive moisture from the ground, lack of good cleaning procedures before the overlayment, and poor substrate preparation. All these are the common cause for epoxy and PU floor to fail after few month of installation.

Fibergrate Products
Fibergrate is a manufacturer of various fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) products such as gratings, slip resistance plates, stair solutions, and structures.
FRP’s products key benefits include corrosion resistance, slip resistance, impact resistance, light weight, long life cycle and low maintenance comparing to metal gratings and structures.

News and Articles

How to install fabricate FRP products?
Read MoreHow to install fabricate FRP products?
What is Fibergrate?
Read MoreWhat is Fibergrate?
How does the grating perform under corrosive environment?
Read MoreHow does the grating perform under corrosive environment?